Solar Power and Recycled Plastic Watches by Q&Q

Product Stories - Q&Q Solar Smile Watches

These watches are solar powered from Q&Q. So that means they are powered by natural sunlight! You’ll never have the hassle or expense of having to change the battery. It also means there’s a few less batteries in the world, which can only be a good thing. From a full charge it can run for up to 3.5 months with no light exposure – handy if you’re nocturnal!

These watches are high quality and beautifully designed – perfect for both men and women. The case and wrist strap contain recycled plastics which together with the solar power makes them a much more sustainable choice than the average watch.

Available in the store:

Q&Q 1

Here’s a short video about the brand


Solar Power and Recycled Plastic Watches by Q&Q